We Will Win the Day: The Civil Rights Movement, the Black Athlete, and the Quest for Equality (PAPERBACK)
“The most important, revelatory book at the intersection of sports and politics that I’ve read in years. I learned so much. If you think you know the entirety of this history, please trust me; you do not.” Dave Zirin, editor for The Nation and author of The Kaepernick Effect

African-American Athletes Who Made History

We Will Win the Day: The Civil Rights Movement, the Black Athlete, and the Quest for Equality
Arranged thematically, the book starts with Jackie Robinson's entry into baseball when he signed with the Dodgers in 1945 and ends with the revolt of black athletes in the late 1960s, symbolized by Tommie Smith and John Carlos famously raising their clenched fists during a medal ceremony at the 1968 Olympics.

I Fight For A Living: Boxing and the Battle For Black Manhood 1880 - 1915
"Moore shows how each fighter conformed to middle-class ideas of masculinity based on his own judgment of what culture would accept. Finally, he argues that African American success in the ring shattered the myth of black inferiority despite media and government efforts to defend white privilege."